Saturday, 26 March 2011

Background to my current perspectives

          A former sceptic regarding anything resembling paranormal/afterlife/spiritual  etc,  my  former materialist worldview was shattered when studying quantum mechanics at university. This didn’t lead to my immediate belief in any of this stuff but did diminish somewhat my former reasons for believing these things to be  highly implausible. I had no real leanings either way as a result, simply believing in the possibility rather than the likelihood.
          I knew virtually nothing regarding near death experiences until stumbling across a Wikipedia article on life reviews around a year or so ago. I found this quite surprising as I previously supposed NDEs  to consist simply of tunnels and white lights. Life reviews in contrast are elaborate, meaningful and life changing experiences that occur in around 15%-20% of NDE cases.
          I have subsequently invested some of my spare time examining various NDE accounts and learning about current research in the field of NDE study. Much of the metaphysics described by people experiencing extensive near death experiences meaningfully connects with the reality I believe to be described  by contemporary physics. 
          Research of NDEs, ongoing since the 70s, also surprised me. The level and persuasiveness of current NDE research is truly impressive, something I was completely oblivious to. My current view is  that NDEs are most likely genuine experiences (not something I ever thought I was going to say!)
          This has prompted me to start writing this blog where I hope to detail the various reasons why I  feel  NDEs and general transcendental experiences should be treated more seriously than they currently are by most.  I would also like to expound on some of the flaws and common misconceptions associated with sceptical arguments against the reality of near death experiences.
          I would like to receive a range of views in response to this so blog  so I can actively engage with different perspectives on the whole issue of whether or not we have reasonable grounds for believing in the afterlife. So all comments are welcome. Thank you.

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